is anybody else aware of the fact that in 47 days we are reverting back from the bliss of daylight savings? this evening when i peeked outside of my little office window at 7:30pm, it was already black outside.. which reminded me that in 47 short days.. it will be pitch black by like- 6pm. i'm not sure i'm ready to accept the cold weather that is looming so close outside. not to mention right inside my bedroom that is detached from the house and constructed almost entirely of windows... making the inside temp. just about as cold as the outside. i pulled out my down comforter yesterday that was buried far away in the abyss that exists behind the big brown chair in my room. it's laying comfortably on my cubby of a bed.
for whatever reason.. it decided that the concept of having a blog was all of the sudden a super good idea to me. i am always running through all these different thoughts in my head and i think i just appreciate writing for writing's sake. long, long before the geniuses over at myspace came up with myspace, and before even friendster existed.. there was this website called live journal. holy s. do you remember that? that freaking time capsule that i can't break back into and unlock because i forgot my stupid password. i had a live journal account when i was 17 or 18.. or maybe 19. i can't remember, but i wish i could see what my pre-twentysomething mind was thinking..when i moved to LA, i gave up the habit of recording my life for everyone to see.
maybe that's a good thing. maybe i'd be super embarrassed at myself right now.
today i went to biola and ate lunch with danika (below). danika is a really special girl. it's ridiculous how she has so much knowledge of everything biblical. well, maybe not everything obviously. but it's quite impressive. she was t

elling me about how she was interviewed today for this magazine, and they were asking her something along the lines of what she thought about how "non-christians" view believers and why they view us as such a different subculture amongst our western society. she made a good point that well.. for starters, it's sad that because we believers
are normal human beings.. with faults and weaknesses and sin and guilt and it's silly that a lot of well meaning christians have been so unfairly pigeonholed into this subcategory of humans that are radical and self-righteous and narrow. and don't get me wrong.. for the record.. i do dislike the word "christian..." mostly because a ton of people hold this negative stigma along with the word. and rightly so. there are soo many ridiculous people out there.. on television.. in church.. that
are super judgemental and critical and just wear an unloving face that misrepresents Christ in so many ways. as taboo as i think this topic is for so many, i can't help but bring it up because i obviously think it's so important to be decent human being who does happen to follow Christ and is sensitive to the realities of good and evil.. happiness and sadness.. feelings of conviction.. etc. etc. and are aware that these feelings, these "convictions" i guess.. could not have possibly evolved out of nowhere. and the difference between "our" world view and "theirs" is that believers choose to adopt a doctrine of faith in a
single God.. just one. not many gods that are changing and breed fear, but one that gives us a good and meaningful representation of what it means to just love and accept people..however best we are capable, and to do it with purpose. people want to take an agnostic stance on faith, and that's ok i guess.. for someone else -- but there is no stability in that you see.. i feel like you would always be grasping for some truth... christianity or otherwise.. something to center your life on.. but it would always be changing.
1 comment:
yes! you made one! good words. hope to see you tonight at the fonda...?
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